Sunday, February 15, 2015

Academic Success Spell

As a Witch, spellcasting has become second nature. Whether it's a self-blessing every morning or charging my morning coffee, magick had been integrated into just about every aspect of my life. As I'm a college student, this includes my studies. I created this spell in 2014, and ever since then it has become a staple of my pre-semester preparations. It's helped me over and over again, so I feel it's only right to offer it up to my fellow students* for their use.

Take note: This spell is not meant to be a substitute for studying and doing your homework. It is a helper. Like all spellwork, you still have to put in the legwork.

What you'll need:
  • A yellow or white candle (I prefer 7-day candles, but votives, tapers, and pillars work too)
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Dirt from the foundation of your school, specifically the halls your classes are in
  • Four Herbs: Rosemary (Memory), Cinquefoil (Success),  Deer's Tongue (Eloquence), and Solomon's Seal (Wisdom/Wise Decision Making)
  • Three Small Crystals: Tiger's Eye (Knowledge/Intelligence), Citrine (Open your mind to new knowledge), and Hematite (To keep you grounded)
  • A bit of your hair (Associated with the mind and a direct connection to you)
  • A bowl or plate
  • Matches or a lighter
On a Wednesday, preferably when the moon is waxing, mix together the herbs and the dirt and place it on the plate or in the bowl as a base. Dress your candle with the rosemary oil and focus on having a successful semester, good grades and all. Place some of your hair in the center of the plate/bowl of dirt and place your candle over it. With the crystals, create an upward facing triangle (known as the triangle of manifestation) in the dirt around the candle. Place the citrine at the top point, the tiger's eye to the bottom left, and the hematite to the bottom right. Light your candle for the first time and pray over it that this candle help you to have a successful school semester. Visualize yourself absorbing the new knowledge, doing homework and projects with confidence, and successfully remembering what you learned while you are taking your exams. When you are finished, snuff the light. Relight it and have it burning every time you re working on schoolwork or studying for a test. 

*For those who live in dorms, and thus are unable to burn candles, here is an alternative version.

Collect the above materials - but instead of a candle, collect a square of yellow cotton fabric and some twine. Take your hair, crystals, and dirt-herb mix and place it into the middle of the square of fabric, then tie it shut with the twine. Hold it in your dominant hand. Visualize and pray over over it as stated above, charging the spellbag with your intent. 
When you are finished, it's time to activate it. Bring it up to your mouth and "breathe life into it" by taking three deep breaths and blowing out onto the bag. Anoint the bag with the rosemary oil to feed it. 
Carry the bag with you in class and handle it frequently, especially while you are studying. Keep it under your pillow while you sleep. Every Wednesday, the day most associated with study and intellect, anoint the bag with the rosemary oil and pray over it again. 

So far this spell has been highly successful to me, and I hope anyone else that uses it reaches the same success. 

Blessed be!


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